Terms and Conditions

1.) 24 hours notice is required if you cannot attend a training session or full payment will be required.

2.) Refunds: There will be no refunds on any pre paid sessions without a medical certificate.

3.) All pre paid sessions have a twelve month expiry date so please purchase your sessions accordingly.

4.) Give notice when going on holidays and you will not lose any pre booked sessions.

5.) Casual sessions must be paid for on the day.

6.) Prices for more than one participant will be quoted by the trainer.

7.) Monthly accounts must be paid on time and by the due date.

8.) If a contractor is brought in to train clients there will be an external fee added to the hourly rate.

NOTE: These conditions are effective as at 1 February 2014.

DOWNLOAD the full document:

2014 Terms, Conditions, Prices and Training Times

Please Download & Print this document as it contains the most up-to-date information.